UEFA Champions League

MyUEFA – UCL Iconic Memories (the “Giveaway”)

Giveaway Rules

Key Terms


Union des Associations Européennes de Football, a Swiss association that is located at 46 route de Genève, 1260 Nyon 2, Switzerland.

UEFA Platform

Campaigns.uefa.com/MyUEFA-UCL at UEFA.com


To enter the Giveaway, participants shall be asked to answer a multiple-choice question. Participants who answer the question correctly will be entered into a prize draw to win the Prize.

Start Date

10:00 CET on 14 December 2023

Closing Date

23:59 CET on 15 February 2024


Anywhere in the world, except Russia.

Age Requirements

13 years old or over.

Entry Requirements

To enter the Giveaway to win the Prize You must:

1. visit the UEFA Platform;

2. answer the question correctly; and

3. register or log in to Your MyUEFA account to participate.


The Prize shall consist of one (1) piece of signed UEFA Champions League merchandise.

Number of Winners

There shall be three (3) individual winners of the Prize.

Website Terms and Conditions



1           Organisation of the Giveaway

1.1       These rules (the “Rules") apply to the Giveaway and the awarding of the Prize to be undertaken on the UEFA Platforms.  The Giveaway is run by UEFA.

1.2       The Giveaway is open from the Start Date to the Closing Date (inclusive) on the UEFA Platforms. UEFA reserves the right to alter or remove the Giveaway at its sole discretion. All competition entries must be received by UEFA by the Closing Date and any entries received after the Closing Date will be automatically disqualified.

2           Conditions of participation

2.1       Entry to and participation in the Giveaway is free and without obligation of purchase.

2.2     The Giveaway is open to residents in the Territory with the exception of UEFA members of staff and members of staff of companies involved in making available the Giveaway.

2.3     Every application to participate in the Giveaway must be made by a natural person (“Participant”, “You”, “Your”).

2.4       Participants must meet the Age Requirements to enter the Giveaway. UEFA will not knowingly allow children under the age of thirteen (13) to enter the Giveaway.

2.5       By entering and participating in the Giveaway, You are bound by the Rules and the Website Terms and Conditions and You confirm that you have read and expressly accepted the Rules and the Website Terms and Conditions.

2.6       You are responsible for ensuring that Your participation is made in compliance with all applicable laws of Your country of residence, including with respect to the acceptance of the Prizes. UEFA shall bear no responsibility for entries which are not compliant (for any reason whatsoever) with the relevant applicable laws.

2.7       In respect of Your participation in the Giveaway and Your access to and use of the UEFA Platforms, You are required to fill in personal details.  You agree to (i) provide true, accurate, current and complete information about Yourself (including as part of the access process); and (ii) maintain and promptly update Your personal data to keep it true, accurate, current and complete.

2.8       If You provide, or UEFA has reasonable grounds to suspect that You have provided, any information that is untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete, or UEFA otherwise reasonably considers that You have failed to comply with any provisions of these rules, UEFA has the right to immediately suspend or terminate Your access and refuse You access to any and all current or future use of the UEFA Platforms (or any portion thereof).

3           Mechanics of the Giveaway, Prize and selection of the Winner


3.1       To enter the Giveaway to win the Prizes, You must fulfil the Entry Requirements.

3.2       You may enter the Giveaway once per round.

3.3       There will be three (3) individual winners of the Prize, who will be selected by UEFA at random from the valid entries.


3.4       The Prize winners will be notified via email to the email address that they provided as part of the registration process for their MyUEFA account.

3.5     UEFA will notify the winner within seventy-two (72) hours from the date of the winner’s selection. The winner will be contacted by WMG Management Europe Limited via email (uefa@teamwass.com) and asked to provide their address, email address and contact number in order to receive the Prize. UEFA shall have no liability for a winner’s failure to receive notices due to any reason whatsoever, including but not limited to winners’ spam, junk e-mail or other security settings or for winners’ provision of incorrect or otherwise non-functioning contact information. If the selected winner cannot be contacted, is ineligible or fails to claim the Prize within seventy-two (72) hours from the time award notification was sent, any Prize may be forfeited and an alternate winner selected by UEFA.

3.6       The designation of the winner of the Prize will happen once their eligibility has been verified.

3.7       UEFA reserves the right in its absolute discretion to exclude the winner from participation in the Giveaway and receipt of the Prize if such winner:

(a) fails to comply with the directions of UEFA or any other companies associated with the Prize;

(b) fails to comply with any applicable third-party terms and conditions;

(c) act in a manner that is dangerous to themselves or to the public; and/or

(d) is anti-social in any manner or which causes a disturbance or nuisance to others. 

3.7       The decision is final, and no correspondence will be entered into.


4           General

4.1       The Prize is as stated in any messaging or promotions advertising the Giveaway. No cash or other alternative will be offered by UEFA.

4.2       Except for the delivery cost of sending the Prize to the winner, any and all other costs and expenses involved in claiming a Prize are the responsibility of the winner. Any and all applicable taxes or duties in relation to the Prize are the responsibility of the winner.

4.3       UEFA will not accept responsibility for Giveaway entries that are lost, mislaid, damaged, delayed in transit or otherwise not received by UEFA, regardless of cause (including, for example, as a result of any equipment failure, technical malfunction, systems, satellite, network, server, computer hardware or software failure of any kind).

4.4       Insofar as is permitted by law, UEFA and its agents and/or distributors will not in any circumstances be responsible or liable to compensate the winner or any participants or accept any liability for any loss, damage, personal injury or death occurring as a result of entering the Giveaway or accepting the Prize except where it is caused by the negligence of UEFA and its agents and/or distributors or their employees. Your statutory rights are not affected.

4.5       UEFA shall be entitled to change or withdraw any of the Prizes at its absolute discretion and for any reason whatsoever (including, but not limited to, any attempt to sell, transfer or exchange any Prize and/or restriction due to the Covid-19 pandemic or other force majeure events).

4.6       UEFA shall not be liable to any winner if the Prize cannot be delivered and/or supplied (including due to a force majeure event such as conflict or war or the Covid-19 pandemic).  Further, UEFA will not be responsible for the winner(s) not taking advantage of the Prize due to ill health or any other reason.

4.7       For the avoidance of doubt, the use of any Prize shall be subject to any relevant third-party service providers’ terms and conditions.

5           Privacy

5.1       By entering the Giveaway, UEFA will use the personal data provided at the time of the creation of your personal account on UEFA.com.

5.2       The personal data requested to enter the Giveaway is necessary to make and handle Your participation and/or to be able to award the Prize.

5.3       UEFA will transfer certain personal data of the winner to WMG Management Europe Limited (71-91 Aldwych, Aldwych House 7th Floor, London, WC2B 4HN), appointed by UEFA for the purpose of organising the Giveaway and the Prize.

5.4       The personal data gathered is only collected and processed by UEFA for no longer than is necessary for handling Your request/the above requirements, unless otherwise provided by law.

5.5       You understand and acknowledge that your personal data is being collected, processed and supplied during the course of this Giveaway in accordance with UEFA’s Privacy Notice set out at: https://www.uefa.com/privacypolicy/index.html.

6           Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

6.1       These Rules and the relationship between You and UEFA shall be governed by the substantive laws of Switzerland. All disputes in connection with these Rules shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Nyon, Switzerland.